Thursday, 27 November 2014

Production Diary - 27/11/14

Today I began at home on recording my music video, I sorted out all the deatails why my model Claudia Dyer. By this, we went through how I want my performance to look, as my video will be less based on lip sincing and more based on the perfomance and movement of my artist as the body lanaguage will be used to express emotion of the artist.

Research into genre

Thursday, 13 November 2014

Moodboard of audience research

Here are some ideas of what my audience will enjoy/hobbys/be like, this has helped me to gain an idea of what I need to aim my music video at as this will be my stereotypical audience. Ideas such as how they will dress and look like will give me an insight on how to apporach my performers, I have also included images as such off festivals to display the style of music my audience will like.

Production diary - 13/11/14

In today’s lesson I finished off my template for my magazine, this will ensure it being easy for me to finish quickly once my chosen images have been picked and my images have been taken. As I want to keep a consistent house style throughout all my designs when I started doing the template for my digipak I used similar fonts and will carry on using the same colours and image ideas.

It is hard to see in this image but the fonts are the same throughout my layout at the stage I am at, at the moment. Keeping a similar house style is essential to create a professional feel to your work.

Monday, 10 November 2014

Digi pack - deisgn template

Here I have began to create my digi pack, I have chosen to have the theme of photo frame style layout, by this I will have pictures in the white areas and change the writing of the song names to match the colour theme that I decide to go with.

Thursday, 6 November 2014