Tuesday, 24 June 2014

Production diary - 24th June

This week was all about finding out about the A2 coursework side in itself, exploring this we was given the range of different topic areas we can do for our coursework. It was evident for me straight away that I wanted to take on the role of creating a music video, for this you have to create a 2/3 minute music video to a chosen song using your creativity skills in which we'd gained at AS in order to create a music piece, its up to the student themselves to decide what sort of video they want to create whether it is someone singing to the screen, an actor performing or even a dance - we can choose. I began to look at some various past music videos from students in the years above and also tried to gain some inspiration from music videos off you-tube, this began to help me form an idea or what sort of genre/music video I wished to create.

This is some examples of music videos from you-tube which I enjoyed and which have given me some idea of what direction I want to take when creating my own video:

This music video has inspired me to form my music video on a 'break up' concept, I liked the fact the whole video was filmed in black and white as I believe this supports the idea of a depressed girl going through a tough break up, I also liked the way it was filmed itself, the simple yet meaningful camera shots really helped describe this girls story - shots of her feet from behind walking, her sitting down while people walked past her at a fast speed and even simple shots like a mid shot of her laying on the bench. This has all helped me gain some research and planning ideas for my own music video.

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