Thursday, 18 September 2014

Research Equipment

I will be filming my video on the variation of the schools Cannon camera and my own Cannon 600D camera which I have at home, this will mean if the schools camera is being used up at a time in which I need to use it I wont have to wait around and can get started. This will help speed along the process of filming for me. This camera will also help me when taking my photos of my mise en scene, including my props, setting and costumes. To ensure my video quaility and images are up to a highest standard using this source of camera will provide a professional look.

It will also be essentail when filming to have the correct lighting, the school will be able to provide me correct lighting that I can use in my chosen location of filming. Having good lighting will mean I can create unique shots within my video.
This is someones work from last year who used lighting and it demonstrates how professional it can look when used correctly -

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