Thursday, 22 January 2015

Artist costume and styling

I will explore several close up shots within the first scene of my video, so here the styling of my artist will demonstrate an importance over the costuming. The makeup scene will incorporate signs of femininity and the ‘Madonna’ theory as she applies her sophisticated make up so very gently and beautifully. The extreme close ups of the makeup and slow panning across her face are used to display the movement of my artist, Claudia and her emotions. Due to the situation of her getting ready, her hair will be in the process of getting ready by this she will have her hair down to suggest the process I am trying to convey.

 My next scene is heavily based on the costuming of my artist, it’s important that I keep my target audience in mind when deciding upon the costuming as it has to appeal to my audience of teenagers. However, due to the situation in which the scene is in, my artist will be dressed to convey a very emotional character in which highlights this through her dress sense of baggy clothing, scruffy hair and messy make up. Although this may question the norms of a teenage girl it conveys a meaningful story which I believe will keep my audience involved. I have been inspired by this outfit choicing by the music video of Ed sheeran - The A Team where in which the character displays the same message that I want to create.

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