Monday, 23 March 2015

Question 3

What have you learnt from your audience feedback?

Gaining audience feedback is essential to the success off a music video, it enables the director to gain positive and negative feedback to help improve and highlight the best parts. It's important that when gaining audience feedback you get it from the similar audience viewers who would stereotypically watch your video in an ordinary scenario, for example. My audience is ranged from females aged 15-30 who enjoy the idea of love, therefore asking this specific audience range was essential to benefiting my music video as an outcome. The biggest target audience who I was aiming at was teenage girls, girls who have experienced heartbreak and enjoy the idea of make up and beauty, from social classes C-B who are still most likely to be in full time education still. I believe younger members of my target audience would seek a lack of understanding behind the concept of the visuals itself but be fascinated by the lyrics behind the song. It could be developed that my video could have an appeal rate to boys due to the appearance of the model which would engage a male audience into watching the video itself, however, being unlikely that they would understand or engage into the concept behind the video. As the song is of a pop genre, deriving from 'popular' the artist is without questioning is going to have a mainstream of success and popularity. Suggesting that my audience is mainstream, they would keep on top of the charts and the latest songs and keeping up with the latest trends.

Discussing the above I needed to get feedback from my audience based on the various stages of production planning to the final ancillary product of my music video. Giving them a chance to comment on the positives and negatives helping me to make improvements which are needed. In my opinion, feedback on your products is the most crucial stage throughout your process as without any feedback, you have no idea whether your product is fulfilling its purpose.

I throughout the collection process of gaining feedback would be difficult but due to the heavy use of social media websites and online questionnaires, such as, it was so much easier for me to get the attention of my audience choice. The first method I addressed in getting audience feedback was through social media websites such as twitter and facebook, this meant me only having to post the blog address to my video and people could click the direct link to comment on my music video, allowing them to answer questions chose by me but also an added box for them to add their own comments further to my own. Furthermore, I used the website of survey monkey to gain more in-depth research of the views of my audience which enabled me to address more leading questions. By this I asked questions at the start about their audience and gender, this meant when I went to look back on my feedback I was able to go straight to the answers based on females aged 12+ to read their feedback as that was the most important to my research.

Throughout the whole process of producing my music video, magazine advert and digipak I was able to ask questions from my fellow class mates about their opinions based on improvements and positive comments which meant I was constantly updating my A2 work to be the best it could be. However, at some points the feedback wasn’t necessary as people would pick up on details which didn’t need improving. Concluding, in all this was an effective research method.

Once all research was gained, based on the data from social media websites and I made various improvements, by this it was commented that I should reference to the candle scene more throughout my video as they felt this was a good camera shot which told a story of its own. It was also commented on that the beginning scene was hard at times to discuss what the narrative was, however, this comment was hard to play upon as I had already completed all of my filming and it would of been difficult and time consuming to re-film this scene of my video. However, I did add references to the piano and close ups to try and discuss the storyline of my video.

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