Thursday 9 October 2014

Anaylis of Beyonce - If I were a boy

The storyline of Beyonce - If I were a boy is the role reverse of the normal conventions of what we would expect from a male and female - although this a stereotype in society. Beyonce comes downstairs to have her boyfriend have cooked food ready for her, it would be socially expected that the women would be doing this for their husband, it is shown through the mise en scene that Beyonce is the domiant character as the is dressed in a police officers uniform, the connontations of the police force are powerful and strong characters which is the view which is portrayed with Beyonce. Long shot of Beyonce walking out of her house indicates the director ensuring the audience understand the role reverse that she is holding - as the video carrys on we see shot reverse shots of Beyonce at work with her team, ironicly we see the staff to all be male this explains the stereotype of police officers usually being male. Her husband is shown to be in his office looking up presents in which we are led to beleive are for Beyonce, signs of a 'whore' female is around him trying to catch his attention through the way she presents herself through her body language.

This further describes Beyonce to be the 'modonna' female as she is out at work, as a loverable and diserable female. However, we are shocked too see her declining her husbands calls while she is out with her fellow male work friends having dinner - it could be suggested that by this Beyonce enhathsies how men typically act and how they are stereotypically more tempted to see other women compared to their modonna lover.

We create the idea of the role reverse that the husband creates the 'modonna' theory and the male character which Beyonce works with is the 'whore' as Beyonce adores her husband as we see by the affection which they share together but desires and wants the male character as we can see through the way in which he looks at Beyonce.

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